Overall, how are you liking OmniFocus 2 relative to OmniFocus 1?

I think OmniFocus 2 is better used as a project/task manager. It’s not necessarily useful as a place to store reference files or notes. I’d use Evernote, Yojimbo, Circus Ponies Notebook, or Devonthink for things like PDFs, reference text files, and spreadsheets. I wouldn’t want to bloat my OmniFocus database with too many reference files.

In any case, I just put a bunch of stuff in Evernote. Sometimes, I’ll put a file in my Dropbox folder, copy the link to that file and put it in the notes section of a task.

OmniFocus’ notes field is perfect for just a small snippet of information such as a simple phone number, a comment, or some other descriptive text. It wouldn’t be useful to use it for an entire chapter in a book.