Overall, how are you liking OmniFocus 2 relative to OmniFocus 1?

Hi, Ken. I think you’re setting the bar too low. Do I prefer OF2 to OF1? If that’s your sole question, the answer is an emphatic yes. I also prefer the current OF2 to the initial OF2 release, primarily due to perspectives and forecast.

But (and I repeat), your bar is too low. At least as expressed in your question. Because I’d extend that question beyond “is it better” to “is it insanely great - and on a scale of 1 - 10, how close is it to insanely great?”

The greatest achievement for OF2, IMO, is that you’ve reduced friction considerably relative to OF1. However, the greatest obstacle to “insane greatness” facing OF2 is the friction that remains. I won’t go into detail now, because it’s been thoroughly hashed out in other replies and on other threads (re: data density, two line views, weird positioning of the checkbox, lack of adequate contrast, lack of themes - or at least font styles and choices - difficulties in drag an drop operations, and I’m sure I am forgetting other examples…).

OF2 checks nearly all of the boxes (or should I say circles) - and removes a lot of the friction that made OF1 such a challenge. I hope you ask - and answer - the question “does this design add or reduce friction?” with every choice you make w.r.t. OF2 from here on out.

So, to answer your question - overall, I like OF2 more than OF1, knowing that’s the bar to clear. And of course I’d like to clear far higher bars. Thanks for asking!
