Advancing a repeated event without marking it as completed

I have an event that repeats on a particular day of the month (e.g. the third thursday). If I attend it, I will mark it as completed. If I do not, I would like to advance the due due dates without marking it as completed. Is there a straightforward way to do this, or do I have to go in and manually adjust the defer and due dates every time?

this is probably a perfect case for the scenario put flow in 'Creating flow with Omnifocus". If you change the title of the task to ā€˜consider attending meetingā€™ then you can mark it as completed whether you attend or not and with good conscience as you have actually considered your need to attend.

i have adopted this system and it does initially feel like a cheat using verbal gymnastics, but it keeps your faith in the system intact as your not just ticking off undone tasks but actually addressing the task as written.


To add to what @TheOldDesigner wrote, I have a tag called ā€œConsiderā€ so that I can easily pull up a list of everything that Iā€™m considering. In this case, I would also have a tag of ā€œScheduleā€ as itā€™s a task that relates to scheduling my time.

If you choose not to go to the event, I recommend removing the appointment from your calendar or declining the invitation (if possible). This way your calendar serves as a record of events that youā€™ve attended.

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