Automation in OmniFocus 2.14 (released 2016-04-26)

If not, that’s a bug that will be fixed soon. I’ll double-check!

Not in the current build, though it would certainly be reasonable to add support for that.

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From what I can tell, the only way to copy a project is through the “Share” button at the bottom of the project edit view. Would be really nice to have “long-push” copy functionality for project rows, similar to actions and action groups.

Great update, OmniGroup!

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I’ll look forward to hearing more, and for this to go mainstream.


I’d like to create a new workflow in the Workflow app so that I can automatically create a waiting for action based on the current one.
The problem is I can’t automate the creation of a new action using the url callback if Omnifocus shows an action already.
I had come to an idea to chain a first call to omnifocus://inbox to force Omnifocus quit the action screen then go back to Workflow and continue.

This is what I’m trying to test :

In my beginner level testing this is working perfectly, I can even throw “3 weeks” in the due date of a project and it handles it which is very OF like.

The only difficulty I had was with the «quotation marks», but I found that to input them on the Apple Smart Keyboard you need to use the opt+\ key for «, and opt+shift+\ key for », but as a bonus in Editorial (if you’re using that), you can select some text and press opt+\ and it will surround the selection with the right quotation marks.

Really looking forward to testing this further, and please put me down as someone who really really appreciates the sub tasks (and sub sub tasks, etc.) working. This is absolutely fantastic. I’m hoping that I can set up more templates than ever now.

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I didn’t get the editorial stuff to work, but admittedly i didn’t look at it very long.

using Workflow and URL schemes I have gotten that to work well. Is x-callback supported so items can be added and it then kicks you back to workflow?

i noticed the same thing when testing the url schemes on my iPad. if i didn’t confirm or cancel it wouldn’t take the next one. Not sure that’s a bug though. I could see the reasoning for wanting it that way.

This will work in the next TestFlight build.

The current TestFlight build supports callback for /add and /paste URLs, but not for any others. The next build will also support callback for all navigation URLs.




Will there be a way to add an attachament for new items?

Workflow lets us encode file using Base64 encoding.

Grey, are you trying to us a template in Editorial or another app? I just tried creating another level of hierarchy in Ken’s original example and the current TestFlight build accepted it without problem (I get a project containing some actions and an action group as expected). It may be something that he’s fixed since then, or it may be something workflow-specific if you’re using another method.

Let the real work begin ! Thanks for the update.

Thank you. I’m not a programmer and was using << rather than the specific character. you’ve helped me a lot.

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I presumed that the «» symbols were some kind of formatting error to start with, replaced them with <<>> and then I didn’t get asked to input the variable values. I was hoping that I might save someone else the same trial and error path I followed!


Here are the release notes for the last few days of TestFlight updates:

OmniFocus 2.14 TestFlight — April 13, 2016

  • Callback URLs — Callback URLs are now supported for navigation URLs, not just for /add and /paste URLs.
  • TaskPaper — Copying to/from the TaskPaper format now supports time estimates.

OmniFocus 2.14 TestFlight — April 12, 2016

  • TaskPaper — Copying to/from the TaskPaper format now supports repeating tasks.

Thanks for the update Ken and team, this is saving me so much time on IOS manually creating projects. Also loving the use of @context(contextname) to set that automatically.

Can anyone tell me why the dates are not amending on tasks?

«Project name» @Parallel(false) @due(«due»)

  • Conduct the Meeting @due(«due» -3m)

The project line works perfectly and the task gets inserted into the project but the Due date inserted into the task rather than an amended one which is 3 months earlier and it’s in black rather than grey so it’s actually been pushed into the task rather than inherited from the project.

I’ve tried it with spaces before the minus and without.

thanks in advance if anyone can spot the dumb error I’m making.

Looks like a bug in our date parser: your task’s date works fine for me if I enter a relative date like “4m” or “today” or “next Thursday”, but it fails when I enter a date like “2016-06-30”. The problem is that our date parser only does relative date logic when it goes down the “natural language” date parsing path, not when it sees something it thinks is already formatted as a date.

Sorry for the trouble!

You’ll be able to add attachments in the next TestFlight update. The /add URL action will support attachment-name and attachment parameters, so you’ll be able to build workflows like this “Send File to OmniFocus” action extension:


Ken replied
Looks like a bug in our date parser: your task’s date works fine for
me if I enter a relative date like “4m” or “today” or “next Thursday”,
but it fails when I enter a date like “2016-06-30”. The problem is that
our date parser only does relative date logic when it goes down the
“natural language” date parsing path, not when it sees something it
thinks is already formatted as a date.

Sorry for the trouble!

No Problem Ken, I assume that this will be added to a list of things to be fixed.

For the record I’m entering dates as 18 May 2016


i’m not sure if i’m missing something, but it seems to be that i cannot activate the Pro In-App Purchase.
i have a Ukrainian iCloud account and supposedly it is only available in the US?
*unfortunately, cannot currently switch to the US store. is there a workaround?

Updated release notes from the next build (r259283):

OmniFocus 2.14 TestFlight — April 14, 2016

  • Add Attachments — The /add URL action now supports attachment and attachment-name parameters, making it possible to build workflows like this Send File to OmniFocus action extension. Multiple attachments are supported.
  • Add While Busy — The /add URL action will no longer be ignored when the app is busy (e.g. when editing an item or displaying a list of search results). Instead, the app will attempt to automatically stop whatever it’s doing so it can display the Quick Entry dialog for the /add; if it’s not allowed to automatically stop the current operation (e.g. when prompting for the user to cancel or save a new item), it will wait until the current operation finishes and then prompt for the /add.
  • Autodone Crash — Fixed a crash encountered whenever an @autodone tag was present.
  • App Info — The new /app-info URL action can be used by automation workflows to detect which version of the app they’re talking to.

OmniFocus 2.14 TestFlight — April 13, 2016

  • Callback URLs — Callback URLs are now supported for navigation URLs, not just for /add and /paste URLs.
  • TaskPaper — Copying to/from the TaskPaper format now supports time estimates.

OmniFocus 2.14 TestFlight — April 12, 2016

  • TaskPaper — Copying to/from the TaskPaper format now supports repeating tasks.