Bug: Scripting fails with Freehand and Plastic strokes

If we use Copy As AppleScript on a line with a double stroke:

We find that lines have a boolean double stroke property, and we can use the code to script the creation of similar lines.

tell application id "com.omnigroup.OmniGraffle6"
	tell canvas of front window
		make new line at end of graphics with properties {point list:{{504, 621}, {783, 405}, {801, 513}}, draws shadow:false, thickness:5, line type:orthogonal, stroke color:{0.701961, 0.266667, 0.0}, double stroke:true}
	end tell
end tell

This fails, however, with Freehand and Plastic strokes.

The scripting library has no corresponding properties, and scripts obtained by copying Freehand or Plastic lines with Copy As AppleScript fail to produce Freehand or Plastic strokes when run.

Note that a couple of related posts have been inappropriately kicked into the long grass of the Meta forum by Brian Covey – manager of the support service which is responsible for the dereliction of this forum, in which user queries have been ignored for months or even a year at a time.