Can I delete OmniFocus2 directory after upgrade?

I just upgraded from OmniFocus 2 to 3 and it said it was “copying” the data. I notice these two directories now:

  • ~/Library/Containers/com.omnigroup.OmniFocus2
  • ~/Library/Containers/com.omnigroup.OmniFocus3

Can I safely trash the first one?


If you’re certain you don’t need anything from there, which should just be your database, licenses (for 2.x) and preferences (again, just for 2.x), then it should be fine. It’s not using much space, so maybe keep it a few weeks, but you should be safe deleting it.

Make sure to move the archive if it is there. If you do an archive from v3, it should move the file and update it.

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Please make sure you archive once in OmniFocus 3 first so that your archived data will be imported.

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