"Completed projects" perspective: unable to filter by completion date

I think everyone uses some kind of “Completed projects” perspective:

  1. On the left side - project hierarchy.
  2. On the right side: list of projects with status “Completed”.

BUT - there is no possibility to filter by completion date!
And there is no way to see which and how many projects were completed within this year, within January 2015, etc.

Please - provide a corresponding filter for perspectives!

So, nobody is interested in the same feature?

How about creating a custom perspective:

Use project hierarchy
Group projects by completed
Sort projects by completed
Filter status: any status
Filter by availability: all
Filter by duration: any duration
Filter projects: completed

Would this work for you? This s assumes you have OmniFocus pro upgrade. This options n allows custom perspectives

This is exactly the perspective I use on Mac.
Left side - project hierarchy with ALL completed projects, right side - all completed projects sorted by completion date.

BUT - it is not convenient to analyze RIGHT side since the sorted projects are not grouped by folders!
My idea is - show on the LEFT side only projects completed within selected interval

I am looking for this function too!

I thought of a work around using 2 perspectives to manually get my report

  1. Add a new context called “reported”
  2. Make a perspective of completed tasks sorted by completed date - must be context view not project view
  3. Change context of all tasks beyond the date you want in the report to “Reported” context
  4. Have a second perspective of completed projects sorted by project (exclude the “reported” context)

For me, this lifehack is not convenient:

  1. do not wanna change contexts of completed projects;
  2. need a Project hierarchy.
    So, waiting for developers to update SW…
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