Count inbox tasks and flagged tasks

I’d like to create a reminder of too many inbox items or flagged items with AppleScript.

How can I count the tasks within the inbox and how those with a flag?

You can get the number of inbox tasks with this script

tell application "OmniFocus"
	tell the front document
		set lst_inbox to every inbox task whose (completed is false)
		set the_count to (count of lst_inbox) as integer
		display dialog the_count
	end tell
end tell

And flagged tasks.

tell application "OmniFocus"
	tell the front document
		set lst_flagged to every flattened task whose (flagged is true) and (completed is false)
		set the_count to (count of lst_flagged) as integer
		display dialog the_count
	end tell
end tell
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That’s perfect, thank you a lot!

Great! You’re welcome, @entspannt.