Extract / export tasks in today

Quick question: is there a way to export / extract the tasks due today / in today view? I’m primarily only interested in the text of the task titles.

You can select any tasks in a current perspective (including the Forecast>Today Due), select Copy (⌘C) then Paste (⌘V) into a text editor or even Microsoft Word and it will paste the titles one per line.

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Can’t multi-select on the iPhone.

Sorry, didn’t notice the iOS forum tag.

I don’t know if it’s possible to extract more than one task from Forecast view since it is a perspective, not a project.

Tapping on a project, though, gives you a share sheet option at the bottom. Tap Copy then paste to something like Notes and it should give you TaskPaper format (@due1d, etc.) that could be cleaned up with regex in Workflow, I imagine.

This is one of many reasons OF on iOS remains only a capture and review tool for me.