Feature Request: Add a checkbox to default built-in perspectives to open in a new window

The built-in OmniFocus perspectives (Inbox, Flags, Projects, Review, etc) do not have the option to always open in a new window, whereas the custom perspectives do. Please add a checkbox option to the default perspectives to force them to open in a new window. This is especially useful when using the Review perspective, which I always want in a new window.



Great suggestion, @mtrifiro.

This forum is intended to facilitate discussions among Omni’s customers and there’s no guarantee that requests shared here will be logged. Instead, it’s best to email these requests to The Omni Group by sending a message to omnifocus@omnigroup.com or by choosing Contact Omni in OmniFocus.

You’ll find more info here:

I like having discussions about feature requests because sometimes others have better ideas or workarounds. How would you recommend doing that?

I think it’s helpful to have discussions about feature requests on this forum on and on the Slack channels. In some cases there are workarounds and/or different ways of approaching the issue.

I just wanted to point out that feature requests made on this forum may not get added to the Omni Group’s development database.

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