Filter by Repeating

I would really like there to be a perspectives filter for whether an action is set to Repeat or not.

I often would like to view only one time actions that I can knock out separately from regular actions like weekly chores. Being able to create two perspectives, one that shows all my one time and one that shows all my repeating actions would be amazing. As far as I can tell there’s no way to do this right now, correct? Thanks!

Yeah, your are right… BUT then again nothing is impossible to work around with OmniFocus ;-)

for all Your repeating tasks put a tag, say, @repeated, in the notes field and include the respective tag into the “find text” field in the perspective settings… It’s not optimal, it has some friction, but at the end of the day you get what you want…

I have two separate lists set up.

I have a single action list called “Office Actions” which holds all of my one-off tasks. Then I have another single action list called “Office Routine” which holds all of my maintenance tasks - tasks that need to be repeated

Office Action
Pick up batteries at hardware store
Call Mr. Jones re: delivery date of furniture

Office Routine
Employee review [quarterly]
Scan paper documents to PDF form [weekly]
Check fax machine [daily]
Clear e-mail inbox [daily]

I can set up a perspective that shows all of the available actions in the Office routine single action list. I can also set up a perspective that shows the available actions in the Office Actions.

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