Focus on Root Level?

Hi gang!

I love the Focus feature, and often use it to focus on a folder, but I’m wondering if there is a way to Focus on all projects not in a folder (i.e. at the root of my hierarchy).

I don’t think this is possible, but I thought I’d see if anyone has any thoughts about this :)



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Have you tried selecting the projects with ⌘+click and then activating Focus?

Of course :)

But that doesn’t scale for adding new projects. With the iOS automation not being able to target a folder, my new projects show up at root level, meaning my focus perspectives miss them



You can use AppleScript to accomplish this. Here’s a simple script as a staring point:

tell application "OmniFocus"
  	tell front document
  		set myProjectList to every project -- returns a list of any project living in the document's root level
  		set myWindow to make new document window with properties {selected sidebar tab:projects tab, focus:myProjectList}
  	end tell
end tell

Sorry for not thanking you sooner! This should suit my needs just fine - appreciate the help!
