Forecast: Inconsistent

Forecast tasks on the top bar should be consistent across platforms, but it isn’t. It acts one way on iPad and another way on iPhone. Wouldn’t it make sense for that number to be the same as the one showing on the app badge?

The app badge count is actually configurable in both editions:

  • On the iPad, show the sidebar, then hit the gear and choose Settings. Look for “App Icon Badge Counts” at the top.
  • On the iPhone, pull down on most screens to reveal the Secret Bar, then choose Settings and scroll down to “App Icon Badge Counts.”

In both cases, you can specify that you want OmniFocus to badge the app icon with any combination of your overdue, due soon, and/or flagged items. (My personal preference is just overdue, so that the count matches Forecast.) Does that help?

If not, then I’m not exactly sure I understand what you mean – is it possible for you to include a screenshot or two to illustrate your problem?

Not talking about the badge. I know it’s configurable :D

Ok, please consider the following scenario:

  • Badge counts: Due Soon + Overdue
  • Due soon means: Due in the next 24h
  • Now: 19:45
  • Tasks available and due today or tomorrow: 1 due today 16:30 (overdue), 1 due tomorrow 10:00, 1 due tomorrow 20:30 (not due soon)

The badge:

  • it shows 2 — correctly, on all platforms (v1/iPad; v2/iPhone/Mac)

Now, the “Forecast Badge”:

  • v1/iPad : it shows 2
  • v2/iPhone : it shows 1

Wich one is correct? I’d say v1/iPad is.
In any case, consistency would be appreciated :D

Personally, I’d prefer my “Forecast badge” shooing exactly what my “App Badge” shows. A setting for that would make me happy.