Frustrations with OF2

Cake does not appear in one minute - you are right, so one needs to decide how many cakes to bake at once… I can not get why building apple watch app (no I do not have apple watch) while core program is just not fully functioning …

It is just sooo frustrating - there unfortunatelly is no alternative to OF … Typical monopoly situation;)

There are certainly alternatives, just nothing as good, and I suppose in a way, that speaks for itself. I happen to agree with you: I’d rather see more resources directed to the Mac app, but Omni as a company has made a point of being able to deliver new iOS features on day one. They still make great apps and I’m hopeful the Mac will be getting more attention as this is a power user app after all is said and done.

We’ve been thinking that since OF 2.0 came out a long time ago…hasn’t happened yet!

I’ve been spending time with Todoist lately- as I work in a cross platform environment, both on OS X and in Windows 10. There’s some amazing features in Todoist that I wish OF had and vice versa. Overall, it’s not as powerful as a GTD tool and so I stick with OF.

Just curious: what amazing features that you wish Omnifocus had did you find in Todoist?

Here’s a couple of the items:

  1. When you email tasks to the system (similar to maildrop) it will parse the incoming emails. you can specify contexts, projects, etc. in the email.
  2. Web access. Since half the time I’m on my mac, the other time on Windows 10, it would be great to have OF on the web. I know this is a long standing feature request that isn’t probably top on Omnigroup’s list.

OK. It is a year now since I started this thread. I hope we can agree to close it. My frustrations from back then are (mostly) over. We may be beating an issue that is of no consequence anymore for a majority of folks. This discussion is also degenerating in to a comparison of issues that have no relation to what was so relevant at the starting point.

I propose this …

Start your own discourse here and/or post emails to Omnigroup with feature requests. Don’t be bashful to repeat what you think OF1 has that OF2 still does not, just please do it in your own voice (thread) not by continuing on mine. Alternatively, stop hijacking this thread to raise other concerns.

When I would find the magic switch, I would end it. Or … hey Omnigroup … please mark this thread closed!




JJW’s request seems reasonable! I’ll go ahead and mark this thread as closed, but if any contributors would like to spin off some existing comments here into a new thread, click the “Reply as linked Topic” to the right of the forum post to start a new related discussion.

We’d also like to remind folks that we view these forums as a place for community discussion, rather than a publicly-viewable development database. We aren’t always able to update threads with progress updates on suggested changes, but that isn’t an indication that we aren’t taking your suggestions into consideration. The best way to ensure that we are able to capture and record your ideas — whether they’re feature requests, bug reports or other suggestions for improving our products — would be to get directly in touch with us via email.