Handling Email outside of Omnifocus

For years I’ve turned emails to tasks within omnifocus. I now find I’m getting overwhelmed with email volume and am now clogging Omnifocus with email actions. I am likely not being deliberate enough about observing the two minute rule when processing email but I’m wondering if anyone out there is using David Allens “Action” folder approach to email rather than sending it to omnifocus.

I have done that before and it works if I have a Due or OmniFocus task that reminds me to sweep through it, but otherwise doesn’t stick for me.

I love the way Dispatch can add emails to OmniFocus, and it kills me that Mail.app can’t use a share sheet to send an email into OmniFocus. I like Dispatch a lot but don’t use it for composing and sending mail very often because it doesn’t use S/MIME for signing and encrypting email, so I have Dispatch use the mail.app URL schema for messages I shove into OmniFocus to avoid ending up in Dispatch.

The OmniFocus maildrop is neat but I don’t like having a list of forwarded messages, so it’s not really a great way to handle email-oriented tasks for me. It is a great way to have IFTTT create tasks though.

i use InDev software’s MailTags which not only provides a tagging solution for messages, but has the option of a tickle date, and can assign messages to OF projects. i’d recommend having a look at it.

i completely agree that sending everything that requires some action from Mail to OF clogs up the lists.