How can I control tasks to waiting?

Hello my friends!

I´ve my system more or less good and ready to work :) But I´ve doubts with task to wait. For example, I´ve a project called Waiting, I have emails and I’m waiting for an answer to these emails. Then I keep them in project waiting. Every day I review esta project and if you need a quick answer because I have to wait until the end of the day to check if they answer or not. I tried putting a context, but is very much like to have a project waiting.

Please can someone tell me the best method for this? To delegate tasks to put jobs on hold … How do you do?

Thank you very much!

Try using an @Waiting context instead. That way, you can review the contents of a project and see what you’re waiting for. You can also look at the context and see all the things on hold at a glance.

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