How to repeat this task?

Hello! I want to put a strange example for professionals of productivity in OF3 :)

You have a task called “Returning books”
The book automatically expires every 7 days. I rent the book in the library. 7 days later the book will expire, then several things happen:
-I can return the book that day (task disappears) OK
-I can renew the book (7 more days to beat). okay
-I can renew the book on the 6th but the repetition of the task to return the book is every 7 days. So I do not know if it adds 7 days from that same day that I renew (in advance before expiration) or add 7 days after the expected due date that the task had. What will happen?

Because if I rent the book on the 10th (I put homework that is repeated every 7 days with expiration). So if I on day 15 (2 days before winning) I have already renewed the book, what can I do with that repeated task?

How do you configure this in OF3?

Thank you!

Using a repeat that repeats from completion date will probably get you close to what you want (if I’m understanding correctly). But there are going to be cases (like renewing early) that may produce unexpected dates. In that case adjusting the dates manually is going to be the safest, clearest way to do it.