Importing tasks from JIRA into OmniFocus (without Pro)

Does anyone know if a way to automatically get tasks assigned to me in JIRA into OmniFocus? I found some ruby stuff, but unfortunately it requires the scripting in OmniFocus Pro. I can’t justify the extra $40 for Pro unfortunately.


You could probably set something up with IFTTT + MailDrop. If you have an Omni Sync Server account you can set up an email address that automatically adds tasks to your OmniFocus inbox. You’ll need to move your OmniFocus database onto that Omni Sync Server account, (if you haven’t already) but that’s pretty easy. Then just set up IFTTT to email your MailDrop address when ever a JIRA task comes in. Looks like there’s a few that work with Todoist, would just need a small amount of tweaking to make them send an email instead.

Hope that helps!

Thanks. I should’ve mentioned that our JIRA is on an intranet, so services like IFTTT can’t reach it.

This is quite old but maybe a starting point. I had bookmarked it a long time ago as we were looking into Jira but decided on a different solution.

Ruby script for Jira to OmniFocus Integration

Yeah, thanks, but again, that requires OmniFocus Pro. It’s not worth $40 to me just for this one thing.