Improvement - identifcation of active canvas

In the new canvas sidebar I personally find it hard to identify which is the active canvas. The grey keyline only works on the best of resolution monitors. When working dual screen it is hard to see in the sidebar which Canvas I am looking at.

Could a future version look at how to enhance this so it is more obvious.

Screengrab attached.

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I was just thinking that same think today. I’d prefer something more obvious. When the item is clicked on it highlights in blue which is better.

Yes. It would be nice to:

a) have the current canvas highlighted in blue at all times
b) have the inactive canvases layers collapse when a new active canvas is selected (maybe this is user-defined, as I could see some not wanting this)
c) have a button that would jump you back to the active canvas as you scroll, especially useful in large doc with 100 or more canvases.

At the least, I would like to see OmniGraffle continue to highlight the current canvas with the color I’ve set in my system preferences.