Inbox does't show the count of Inbox-items

The Tab does’t show how many items were in Inbox.
Only an my macbook?

Revision: 207080

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I think badges are mentioned as a known issue in the release notes.


Yes, one can read is in advantage.
Excuse me!

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This is a big one for me. Have we gotten confirmation that this is one of the “missing badges” in question? I would hate to just assume it’s coming back, only to learn it’s not on the radar. In my workflow, I’ll often take quick notes into the inbox, or use Siri to add reminders which get pulled in automatically, and then I forget to check for those. Having the nagging number is crucial for me.


How do you use siri to do reminders that get pulled in automatically? Would be great to know…

never mind. Just sorted it out…

this is a big one, i keep having things get lost in my inbox, now i have to go check it regularly. guessing this will change soon.