Looking for an introduction to OmniFocus automatisation on iOS

Somehow I struggle with finding a proper introduction to various possible automatisations on iOS.

I know there is a better Shortcuts support, x-callback-urls and something with the TaskPaper format. Personally, I would love to explore it more.

Maybe someone can point me in the right direction to get started with it.

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I’m personally using Keyboard Maestro to help me automate OmniFocus. I’ve used it to create tool palettes that groups perspectives into distinct groups as well as a few other things…


I get Keyboard Maestro to automate repetitive routines such as set up OmniFocus on the left half of my screen and Fantastical on the right half of my screen.

The Automators forums has some OmniFocus-oriented topics here:


If you’d like to incorporate Drafts into your workflow, start here…



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