More detail in drop downs? (E.g. context in context inspector)

I have multiple location contexts with, say, ‘Arrive’, and the inspector says, ‘Arrive’, but there is no indication of where I’ll be arriving when the task is due, unless I click the dropdown to see the context of the context. There is some ambiguity in Project for the same reason.
I suppose I can rename the contexts, but the names are then redundant - ‘Home : ArriveHome’. If OF provided the context, it would be all fluffy kittens playing in meadows.

You can always try using emojis to shorten things.

🏡 Arrive (substitute for House Arrive)
🏡 Leaving (substitute for Home Depart)

🏢 Arrive )substitute for Office Arrive)
🏢 Depart (substitute for Office Depart)


That’s a great idea, and would be a nice workaround until (hopefully) more detail is available in the dropdowns.