Multiple Contexts per Task [now in TestFlight]

I LOVED Things 3. I cannot tell you how much I loved the crips design. I even made a love video about it on YouTube where I gushed over how I could check tasks, change defer dates, due dates, and more, with ONE HAND while drinking coffee!!! So smooth and beautiful and elegant.


I am a Platoon Sergeant, a Training Coordinator, and do a variety of other things. When I opened my Things to see emails I needed to do, I had 54 emails. When I opened up OmniFocus, I had 5. The difference was that I have a LOT of emails that go out AFTER an event (linear projects). Such as, receive payment then email X, or, so on.

If Things 3 had linear projects I would stay with it. The friction in changing dates in OF on OS and iOS kills me. After having the joy of Things, it hurts to use OF. And did I mention search in Things? You can’t get more simpler and easier than it is on iOS.

I can’t wait to see what OF does with OF3. I hope they’re going down to the marrow of the program and keep what has made OF the best (ability to focus my chaos into pinpoint needs) but learns from the vision of other programs.