It is coming. I believe them, but seriously considered switching to Things 3. After doing a trial and then sitting on the idea a while, I decided to stay and embrace what I now consider as practice for the upcoming feature. I use @ThisTag as multiple contexts. It takes just a teensy bit more discipline, but each time I make a new @ThisTag, I add it to a list called @list in a folder I call Hold Lists. All of the lists in there are, of course, on hold. As I’m working, and to help me remember what I’ve started using, I keep an OmniFocus tab open with focus on that list. I just control-tab to see when necessary. Almost all the tags are names of people that I think I might want to involve in some way with an action item. These people are decidedly not the context in GTD terms. When I happen to work with them in what ever manner occurs naturally, it is helpful to do a quick search for @name and see other, related items. It is a reasonable workaround.
My workflow is heavily dependent on the built in OmniFocus review system. I use it every day, along with custom perspectives. The beauty of Things 3 and utility of multiple tags pales in comparison to the value of Review and Perspectives in my workflow. Having said all that; OF support humans, soon, please.