Omni and Marzipan

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard that down the years, I’d be very well off. Marzipan is real, and has been on the go since last year. It’s work in progress and is. very likely to see significant updates at WWDC next month. It will be a convenient way to ease the development task of porting apps from IOS to Mac OS.


  • It does nothing for the look and feel differences between IOS and Mac apps
  • IOS apps don’t have menus and pull-downs and multiple windows and a whole load of other screen items that are expected on the Mac
  • IOS apps are designed to managed via a touch screen, which. Macs don’t have. You. might be able to emulate elements of the touch experience with a mouse or trackpad, but it’s not the same.
  • Look at any successful app that has both Mac and IOS versions - they’re designs and operational methods are very different
  • The Apple apps that were proved with Marzipan are awful. You can’t even send a News page to Safari.

The Omni guys are smart - they have better things to do with their time than take the version of their app with the least attractive UX and use it to replace the one with the much better UX.