OmniOutliner 4.4 test builds now available!

OmniOutliner 4.4 is a major update that adds the ability to add arbitrary folders (such as an OmniPresence folder) to the resource browser and supports Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan.

Known issue: The sidebar is missing its vibrant blur transparency.


  • Resources - You can now select a folder of your choice (such as an OmniPresence folder) outside of the Sandbox to read in Templates.
  • Exports - Row links are now support for HTML and HTML (Dynamic) exports through the use of anchor tags.
  • Exports (PRO) - MS Word docx exports now converts row links into bookmarks, replicating their functionality.


  • Theming - The style theming UI should now correctly select the main Templates section when ran with localizations.
  • Full Screen Mode - Showing and hiding the sidebar while in full screen mode will no longer cause the outline view to permanently shift up beyond the top of the screen each time.
  • Exports - Row background color in HTML and HTML (Dynamic) exports will now correctly fill the note area.
  • Exports - Characters not valid for CSS class names will now stripped from named styles when creating the corresponding CSS class for HTML and HTML (Dynamic).
  • Exports - HTML and HTML (Dynamic) exports now correctly respect the column header visibility in all situations.
  • Exports - Embedded movie files will now always appear as links in HTML and HTML (Dynamic) exports.
  • Exports - Notes should now be correctly indented for HTML and HTML (Dynamic) exports.
  • Exports - Embedded images should now always properly scale down to column width when required for HTML and HTML (Dynamic).
  • Exports (PRO) - Fixed a UTI conflict for docx.
  • UI - The “Done” button in the audio file popover control will properly adjust size for localized text.
  • UI - Reduced the contrast of the divider line between structural styles and named styles.
