Only include relevant tags in perspectives

It would be really great if there was an additional option in the ‘Group actions by:’ setting — ‘Tags (Selected)’ which would show the same tag picker control as in the Filter Rules.

I would use this for a few edge case perspectives where it would be nice and tidy to have groups for only a few tags (typically a breakdown by priority).

@saltedlolly For your specific ‘Ritual’ use case, I assume you would like to see a simple list of things to do at the right time. In your perspective you could group actions by something other than tags, eg. use ‘Group and sort: Entire Projects’ or ‘Group actions by: Ungrouped’?

I hate to sound like a nag or a complainer, but I’m really anticipating the day when this is a reality. Up until that point I’m not able to use a Today tag or branch much out into using multiple tags because the custom perspectives I rely on would become unusable. So I’m pretty much doing things the old way (a lot of Flag+Defer).
I don’t suppose anyone has any word about the status of this idea.

Ages ago I submitted something similar as a feature request.

My idea was additional settings on “group by” where you could list which tags to group by.

That way you could have a perspective along the lines of:

  • Group by tags: Urgent, Important

Then you’d see three groups of tasks

  • Urgent (tasks tagged with Urgent)
  • Important (tasks tagged with Important)
  • None of the Above (tasks tagged with none of the Group By tags - if any)
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Several people have made that suggestion. Sounds like it’s planned:

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That’s awesome; I had t seen that recent post. Glad I asked; that sort of encouragement is what I was hoping for. :)

Yes, it’s high on my wish list too. But the other things that have been shipped are valuable too and fit with a sophisticated productivity tool: support for new iOS capabilities, automation, time zone management, etc.

Sure thing; I’m just glad to see it’s still on the radar.

Let joy be unconfined!

@MultiDim The problem with this is that there are frequently tasks that have more than one tag as I want to see them in more than one task list (perspective). e.g. I might have a task that is tagged both ‘Morning Ritual’ and ‘Bedtime Ritual’ so that if I do not get to it in the morning, it also appears in my bedtime ritual. I’ve tried pretty much every other way of organizing things, and there is really no other way to achieve this except with tags, only they don’t work as you would expect.

Re-reading my answer from a year ago, I realise I could have been clearer.

Keep your tagging system so that tasks can have multiple categories. You’d have a perspective for Morning which filters on the ‘Morning Ritual’ tag, and groups results by nothing (or a field other than tags); and another perspective for Bedtime. The only limitation is that you wouldn’t see tasks grouped according to a different tag categorisation than ritual time-of-day (eg. location: kitchen, computer, …).

Yes, this was a very delayed response! I had intended to respond when you first replied. I knew that it didn’t work but I couldn’t remember exactly why as I had tried so many different ways of doing it. I happened on this thread again and thought I would just make clear that this had not solved it. :)

The issue with grouping actions as ‘Ungrouped’ is that it no longer allows me to sort by ‘Tags Order’ which is the only way I have found that lets me manually re-order the tasks in the Perspective without inadvertently interfering with the task order of the other Perspectives.

I actually have four daily ritual perspectives. ‘Morning’, ‘Afternoon’ (done immediately after lunch), ‘Evening’ (done at around 5:30pm at the end of the work day) and ‘Bedtime’ (done while winding down for bed). All these rituals have tasks in them to help keep me on top of my routine tasks, and many have tasks that show-up in more than one list in case I miss them earlier in the day. Add to this, that I also have variants of these for Vacations and Business Travel, which adds up to a lot of potential clutter, if the Perspective won’t zero in on the precise tag or tags while hiding all the irrelevant ones.

If you set up one perspective for each of your 6 rituals, which filters on the corresponding tag, then you have dealt with showing only the relevant actions in each part of your day (including any actions you didn’t do earlier and which are tagged for several rituals).

Then it’s a question of how to group these relevant actions.

  • Ungrouped: no need to expand any groups on iOS, but you won’t be able to have different action orders for each ritual.
  • By tag: able to order actions under each ritual tag group, but actions appear under multiple tag groups.
  • By ‘Tags (Combined)’: each action appears only once, and you’ll get tidy groupings if your tag hierarchy is set up well, but you won’t be able to have different action orders for each ritual.

Setting up one perspective per ritual open ups interesting workflow possibilities. You could for example have iOS Shortcuts automatically display the relevant perspective based on time and/or other events.

Thank you for trying to help, but as I tried to make clear above, the only viable grouping that I can use is by tag. This is because it is the only one that lets me manually organise the tasks into the order I want for each Perspective, without affecting the order of the other Perspectives. As you have pointed out, you then end of with all the tag groups displayed which is precisely the problem I have been trying to explain - the tag groups included are not just the one or two tags I want to see. e.g. For my morning ritual I want it to show tasks tagged ‘Ritual (Urgent!)’ which is for really important tasks that I must not forget, and ‘Ritual (Morning)’ for all the tasks I want to appear in my morning ritual. The problem is that I also end up seeing all these additional tag groups which I did not want, as these are also tags that the included tasks have been tagged with.

Regarding your other point, I am really interested about how to have an iOS shortcut show a diferent Perspective based on time of day. That would be so useful. How can I set this up? Is there any documentation?

Re: Perspectives for time of day - have you considered iOS 14 widgets?

If you have (say) Morning, Day, Evening perspectives you could have them in a widget stack and just swipe to the one you want. Not automatic, but certainly quick.

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The simplest way would be to use the ‘Automation’ tab of the Shortcuts app which provides triggers: at a specific time, show a specific OF perspective. Recently used perspectives will show up as OF actions (which open them) inside Shortcuts. This is not very flexible since it will interrupt you at a fixed time.

Instead I would look at creating a single standard shortcut which would get the current time and, based on threshold times, would display the corresponding ritual perspective (using a series of nested ‘If’ actions). This shortcut can then be run in all the ways iOS provides. Apple has provided good documentation on Shortcuts: [].

Just a thought, maybe approach it from a different angle… have perspectives based on morning only, afternoon only and anytime (or some derivation of)

To make this work you only need three tags morning, afternoon and anytime. If something is critical add a “urgent “ tag to it that way grouping by tags combined should surface urgent tasks first.

To me if your tagging something morning but sometimes missing it and doing it in the evening it’s not really a morning task but an anytime task. You could also either have an urgent perspective or use urgent as the forecast tag as a further level of checking when winding up every day

This is really analogous to device tagging, laptop, phone, iPad any device etc.

Ok that may help it may not just a different take. Sometimes if you can’t make the system fit you then you have to perhaps rethink things and fit the system instead.

AlsoI keep all my routine tasks in a separate folder (as I do with admin tasks as well) with single action lists for different areas, tech routine, business routine, tech admin etc that way you can focus a perspective on one folder or folders.

I think I got this right, and it will need some editing, but essentially, this shortcut when run will show one perspective in OF if it’s after 6:00pm (so, an evening tag, let’s say), another if it’s before noon (like a morning tag), and yet another if neither (meaning between noon and 6pm, or afternoon).

Hope this is a useful Shortcut!



I only just saw your post yesterday but thanks a lot for this. I have used yours as a starting point and made my own variant. My main change was to have it measure the time forwards from the morning which I just found easier when working out the changeover times. It works great.

In case anyone else is interested here is my ‘OmniFocus Now’ Shortcut.

I’m also looking forward to when we can create Perspectives that displays/groups only by the tags we’ve selected. It’s good to hear that it’s something on Omni’s radar.

I also wanted to comment on @saltedlolly’s issue with morning, afternoon, evening and bedtime rituals. My take on that was slightly different - I utilise the “defer” field. Morning items show up at 8am, afternoon items are assigned a defer time of 12pm etc.
I’ve created some automation scripts and added them to the top of the toolbar - “Defer - Morning”, “Defer - Afternoon” etc. It pushes out the defer date to the next day’s “morning”, “afternoon” etc. So that if I don’t end up doing the task, they would show up for the next day’s routine.

By doing it that way, I just have two Perspectives, “Urgent” and “Not Urgent” and the defer time would surface the items at the relevant times. If I miss something in the morning routine, it would still be in the “Urgent” perspective when I go check it in the afternoon. If I can’t complete it still, I push the “Defer - Morning” button and it’ll show up the next day at 8 am.
If they are repeating items to begin with, I set the defer time to the appropriate timeslot and make it “Repeat from the item’s Assigned Dates”. Then I just mark the item as completed even if I didn’t manage to do it that day - the item will pop back up the next day anyway.

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Did this ever get built?