Open Quick Entry even when OF is closed [New Feature]

In the last week I’ve heard a few podcasts mention the oopsie focus script that captures the keyboard shortcut for the Quick Entry box, and if OF isn’t running, gets it running so that the Quick Entry can be used.

Sounds great because most of the time I have OF running, but there has been occasions that I’ve tried to quickly throw something in via quick entry and found that OF wasn’t running. However, I’m not a Keyboard Maestro user (maybe I should be) so I wonder whether the Quick Entry box (or something like it) should be built in to OF, maybe as a menubar app that can be launched at boot.

You can create an Automator service that calls the script.
Assign the OF shortcut (Crtl-Option-Space) to the new service in System Preferences.

aah—you’ll make a power user of me yet!