Organizing Projects Help

Hello everyone,

I have a question about organizing projects that are related but separate; or at least one element is the related.

Here is what I mean:

I am working my yearly evaluation, which has a bunch of tasks associated with it. One of those tasks is updating my CV. I have two other projects that I can’t do until my CV is updated; one is applying for a state rep position in a professional organization and the other is applying for a faculty development series. Each of the later two projects involved in them, so they are separate projects but I can’t get started on them until I have my updated CV.

How can I organize this? If they are under on project, they would loose the individual identity. I was thinking of making the first project in those second projects something like “complete CV” and then making it sequential; then when I finished the CV in the evaluation project, I could just tick it off in the other projects, and then being a sequential projects, the next steps would become active.

Any ideas or suggestions would be much appreciated! I am still trying to figure out how to best use OF.

Thank you

Hank Dallmann

I might do this in this way.

First …

  • Create a project --> Update CV
  • Put in all required tasks only for this project
  • At the end of this project, put a final step that says “update dependent projects”

Now …

  • Create the other two projects --> State Rep Application and Faculty Development Application
  • Define the sequence of tasks to complete each of these projects. Where you have to complete your CV, put that as a separate task. Here is a hypothetical example …

State Rep Application (sequential project)

  • Gather Resources (parallel action group)
    – collect application form
    – update CV
  • fill out application form
  • Complete (parallel action group)
    – write check for application fee
    – print updated CV
    – print application
  • mail application form + check + CV

For the one task above “update CV”, go to the notes field. Copy your project Update CV as a HYPERLINK. Past that hyperlink in the notes field of the task “update CV”. Correspondingly, in the notes field for the “update dependent projects” task, paste hyperlinks to the projects State Rep Application and Faculty Development Application.

Now, when you complete the Update CV project, your last step will remind you of the hyperlink to the “update CV” task in each of the other projects.