Problems tabbing through an action's fields in column view

I use column view with all items selected for view save Completion Date. I’ve noticed the following two interface issues in OF for macOS 3.15.4 (v151.35.43).

  1. I can tab into an action, past the title to the project name. If the project name is already specified, no problems. But if I add a project name, I can no longer tab forward to the tag field. Hitting tab at that point has the same effect as hitting escape, i.e. it moves the selection to the whole action and I have to tab in again. I don’t think this is intentional behaviour, because I’ve noticed that if I add a project name, I can Shift-Tab back to the action title field.
  2. If the action does not yet have a project specified, and I tab through to the tag field, I can’t then Shift-Tab back to the project name. Shift-Tab doesn’t do anything in that case.

Posting this in case it’s useful to someone at Omni.

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