Project template with company logo?

Hi there,
I cannot find a way to insert our company logo into the template.
Is this possible at all? At the layout print options I have set all the headers and footers, page numbers… Also I made a Template style with our letter font and all, but it would be important to have a customized planning with our logo.
I hope this is possible.

Thank you.

@Diana Where are hoping for the company logo to be visible? I believe many people add their company logo to the header field in the Print dialogue. If you add the logo to the Print dialogue of your template, it will be saved as part of the template.

Thank you for your reply. But how can i add the logo file/picture to the print dialogue…? I can choose from different header or footer options but I am not able to find that option…

I could drag a file from Photoshop into the header field! Solved!
Thank you so much.

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