Yes I did. Change the perspective layout using View Options
OK I see the problem. I was only setting “Custom Columns” in the main preferences, I didn’t notice them there in the view options.
Thank for the help.
PS: So to get the compact layout universally I need to save it for each of my perspectives?
Yes this was a feature that OF1 had that would be great to have back one day - each perspective remembered whether the sidebar was open or closed (and other status bar too I think).
To answer my own question I think that is a yes, and it didn’t take too lon as a one-off fix.
OF 2.3 is very pleasing.
Hi. Has the public beta 2.3 been stable for you? Does it sync with OmniFocus for iOS? Thanks for letting me know!
I love this new feature. Currently my view settings are reset each time I restart OF so I have to re-configure my views. Is this behaviour related to the test version or is it a bug?
I did encounter the same behaviour … turns out, I forgot to click “Save” (there’s a button at the top) after making the switch. Are you?
I’ve been running the public beta for months now and it syncs fine with OmniFocus for iOS (via my own WebDAV Server) and supports the fancy push-triggered sync as well.
Yes it’s running “just like a bought one”. I forget it’s a beta until I see the update reminder.
It looks like something got reset. I can’t access the beta builds anymore. It now asks for a username and password to get the new beta builds. I emailed support. hopefully it gets resolved soon.
That’s why I’m here. Curious.
@wilsonng @emory the test builds moved - download the latest from here, then auto-updates will work correctly again.
@kcase shared this on the Twitter, which is how I found out.
Was a problem of that particular version yesterday evening. Now you should be able to update normally
Whew. Thanks. Works once again.
I had to eliminate Twitter from my personal feed. There was just too much noise-to-signal ratio in Twitter for me to handle. I already have enough inboxes from my Flipboard, Facebook, and e-mail to keep me busy. I guess next time, I’ll have to peek my head into the Twitterverse every now and then to see what is going on.
with you on that- Twitter is way too noisy for keeping all settings on green. I actually have all notification settings turned off totally and only check by when I really am free to lose at least 30’ precious minutes of my life.
This release is wonderful and for me the best update to OmniFocus in over a year! I’d love still to see clickable headers like we had in OmniFocus 1. This update is so promising, I was starting to think we would never see OmniFocus having features and views that OF1 had. I am still using OF1 and thankful it still works with Yosemite for the most part. I look forward to styles returning.
Thanks Ken and team for the great update with OF2.3!
The OmniFocus 2.3 for Mac final release is now available both on and on the Mac App Store.