Return completed time Javascript

I have a script running on text expander to pull all my completed tasks for the previous day. I know next to nothing about coding but am decent enough at googling that I was able to put together a mostly working script from pieces of others work. Using;

function lineForTask(task) {
return " ✓ " + + " " + task.completionDate() + “\n”;

I get the task name and date/time returned like so:

✓ Research Notion-Todo’s for the day Tue Dec 31 2019 20:51:47 GMT-0800 (PST)

My question is - is there a way to just return the time? Or the date+time but without the timezone? On a AppleScript I have ( set completedDate to completion date of currentTask
set completedTime to time string of completedDate)
and this works perfect - but me java dumb and can’t recreate it there.

One approach in JavaScript (not Java, incidentally – that’s a very different language :-) is to do things like this:

(() => {
    'use strict';

    // iso8601Local :: Date -> String
    const iso8601Local = dte =>
        new Date(dte - (6E4 * dte.getTimezoneOffset()))
        now = new Date(),
        strISO8601 = iso8601Local(now),
        strDate = strISO8601.slice(0, 10),
        strTime = strISO8601.slice(11, 16);
    return [strDate, strTime]
// --> ["2020-01-03", "09:16"]
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You should also be able to do something like the following:

function lineForTask(task) {
return " ✓ " + + " " + task.completionDate.toLocaleTimeString([], { hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit' }) + “\n”;

I am an amateur myself and obviously don’t have the rest of the script to test (though it might be a good one to share–I’d love to see how you’re getting info out of OmniFocus into TextExpander as I haven’t played around with that at all). But give that a try and see if it does what you need?

If it just needs minor tweaking you might be able to get some answers from, as that covers all the different formatting options for toLocaleTimeString.

var NoProjectMarker = "No Project";


function getTaskSummary() {
var doc = Application('OmniFocus').defaultDocument;

var thisMorning = startOfDay();
var yesterdayMorning = new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() - 1));

 var tasks = doc.flattenedTasks.whose({completionDate: {'>=':yesterdayMorning,'<':thisMorning} })();
if (tasks.length == 0) {
	return "No tasks completed. Do something without writing it down?";

// Group tasks by project, then extract progressed projects (projects with
// completed tasks) from allProjects. This gives us the list of projects
// in the same order as OmniFocus’s UI.
var groupedTasks = groupArrayByKey(tasks, function(v) {
	var proj = v.containingProject();
	if (proj) {
	return NoProjectMarker;

var allProjects = doc.flattenedProjects();
var progressedProjects = allProjects.filter(function(p) {
	return in groupedTasks;

// Build the summary
var summary = progressedProjects.reduce(function(s,p){
	return s + summaryForProject(p);
}, "");

var tasksWithNoProject = groupedTasks[NoProjectMarker];
if (tasksWithNoProject) {
	summary += summaryForTasksWithTitle(tasksWithNoProject, "No Project\n");

return summary;

// This needs to be in this scope because it captures groupedTasks
function summaryForProject(p) {
	var projectID =;
	var tasks = groupedTasks[projectID].filter(function(t) {
		return projectID !=; // Don't include the project itself
	return summaryForTasksWithTitle(tasks, projectSummaryLine(p));
function summaryForTasksWithTitle(tasks, title) {
	return title + tasks.reduce(summaryForTasks,"") + "\n";

 // Reducing function to summarize a list of tasks
function summaryForTasks(s,t) {
return s + lineForTask(t);

// Create a summary line for a project
function projectSummaryLine(project) {
var tokens = [];

var remainingStatus = remainingStatusForProject(project);
if (remainingStatus != "") {
	tokens.push("(" + remainingStatus + ")");

return tokens.join(" ") + "\n";

// This is appended to the end of a project line
function remainingStatusForProject(project) {
if (!project.completedByChildren()) {
	return "";
var remainingCount = project.numberOfTasks() - project.numberOfCompletedTasks();
if (remainingCount == 0) {
	return "complete";

return remainingCount + " remaining";

function lineForTask(task) {
return " ✓ " + + " " + task.completionDate() + "\n";

// Group an array of items by the key returned by this function
function groupArrayByKey(array,keyForValue) {
var dict = {};
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
	var value = array[i];
	var key = keyForValue(value);
	if (!(key in dict)) {
		dict[key] = [];
return dict;

function startOfDay() {
// The day started at midnight this morning
var d = new Date(now.getDate() +1);
return d;

So it had it working more or less, but changing the bottom to being +1 day then hour (4), and up top the crazy 5 nested statements I found to get it to yesterday but couldn’t figure out the last bit of 4am on that yesterday line.