Search doesn't search whole document

Hi all.

Just realised that the Search function (NOT Find) doesn’t search in the whole document; it only looks at the part that is currently displayed in the main window.

I suspect that I’ll have to use Applescript to search in the whole document (and remember where I was when I initiated the search). I’ve already found (in this forum) a script that may do what I want.

One question, though: is it possible, in OO, to add a button in the toolbar that will execute a script? Or do we have to use an alternative (Launchbar, going to through the Help menu, Keyboard Maestro, etc.)? (I believe this is possible in other Omni applications.)


Yes, it’s definitely possible to execute a script from the toolbar! First, go to Help > Open Scripts Folder and place the AppleScript here.

Then, go to View > Customize Toolbar. The AppleScript should appear in the list of toolbar options, so drag it up to the toolbar.

For more information on this, check out OmniOutliner 4 for Mac User Manual: Customizing the Toolbar

While search will only currently retrieve results from the section that’s being focused on, I’ll let the team know you’d like to see this operate instead as a global search in a future release. Thanks for letting us know that’d benefit your use!

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Hi Aaron. Thanks for the reply.

I moved a script in the appropriate folder and then it appeared in the dialog that allows customisation of the toolbar. Thanks.