Showing/hiding all images in outline?

In OO3, There is a function to switch images &/or attachment on/off throughout an entire outline. “Display in-line”, or “display with tags.”
Is there such a switch in OO4?

thanks, Scott

I’ve also tried opening my file with all the images in OO3 and switching to Display in-line. It worked, BUT, when I reopened in OO4, the setting didn’t keep.

Any ideas?

Thanks, Scott

All my images are hidden for about a month. I don’t understand that. I’ve searched a lot to find a solution. I don’t want to change each every single image manually one by one through right click on each on icons. I’m so tired… Please, Please I beg you guys to tell me how to fix that.

Thank you guys, for the answers. good support, good application.

Greetings all. Long time…

I’m now in version 5.8 and I don’t seem to be able to change all the images from “Display in-line”, to “display with tags.” Way back in oo3 one could do this, as mentioned in this thread I started in 2015.

Is there a way of changing the setting for the entire document?

Thanks, Scott