Smart Reminders?

I’m using OF 3 mostly on iOS Devices and beside a Today perspective or Forecast I try to plan tasks with reminders during the day.

As there is often no time to plan several tasks at different times during the day it would be cool if OF could do this automatically by

  1. just organizing task reminders in intervals of 15 or 30 Minutes and

  2. taking calendar appointments also into account by not planning a reminder when a calendar event takes place

Is this something to be considered for a future development or no use case for this in general here?

I’d love to see this in OF3. The Sorted 3 app does seem to have a smart scheduling feature. You might want to try that app out.

I’ve used a mixture of OmniFocus 3 and Apple Calendar in day or week view to schedule my tasks. But I do have to do some manual pushing of appointments to move my tasks around in Fantastical.

It works for me but it might be not as cool as auto scheduling. Sorted 3 has that feature going for it.

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