Solarized dark theme

This is a “works for me” solarized dark theme based on Ethan Schoonover’s Solarized Color Palette. There are a few omissions (such as the toolbar and inspector text boxes, which you can’t seem to change) but everything else is pretty much done. If you see some glaring mistake or item that I flat out missed let me know and I’ll try to get it fixed. Hopefully someone will find it useful.

Solarized Dark Theme



I can’t figure out how to download that theme… how do I do that? Also do you know how I can get a Solarized light theme?


You should be able to right click and “Download Linked File” or “Download Linked File As” (verbiage might be slightly different if you aren’t using Safari). If you notice that it downloaded with a .txt extension just rename it to end with .ofocus-style . Then you can import it or even just drag and drop it onto OmniFocus.

Can’t help you with a Solarized Light theme. I don’t really have any need for it so I didn’t make one, and time is at a premium these days. I know someone had mentioned they were working on a Solarized theme in “The Theme-Sharing Thread” so you might want to look there and see if it was ever finished. I don’t recall them mentioning light or dark at all. The thread is pinned at the top of the Styles forum, so you can’t miss it.


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I’ve made some minor tweaks to the style and also gone ahead and created a light version.

The light version is just a base swap:

  • 0 -> 00
  • 1 -> 01
  • etc.

All of my previous color selections remain the same. All in all, I think it came out surprisingly well.

That said, I encourage you to try @Teiki’s excellent versions found here:

In some places he’s a lot bolder with his colors – especially his Due Soon and Past Due.
In others he’s more subtle than I am. The sidebar where I’ve gone high contrast and tinted the background to match the icon color is a good example.

Anyway, it’s very, very good and you really should take a look at it. It may match your use case a lot better than mine. He almost certainly put more thought into his light version than I did mine

New versions of my themes are here:

Feedback is always welcome and enjoy.

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thanks a lot, using it. however, i got the following error while importing:

The following keys are defined in the style but unused by OmniFocus. Their values will be ignored:
• StatusCircleDesaturatedBackgroundColor

I hope you are enjoying it!

The warning message apparently comes up because there is a key that still exists in the color editing app / style but was removed in more recent versions of OF. I guess I could go into the raw XML and pull it out, but (1) I’m not fond of editing the files directly and (2) who knows if the editing app might throw it right back in the next time I open the file there.

Anyway, it’s safe to ignore.

There is a little more info to be found in this post from lanettetest (Omni Staff): The Theme-Sharing Thread

(At least when I tried it a bit back the export / import suggested in that post did not strip the key out.)