Spaced repetition script and question re: relative dates in filters

I’ve been trying to add a basic spaced repetition script in OmniOutlriner 5 Pro to work kind of like an sm-2 based flashcard system for regular reviews of information in my outline. I had previously tried org-drill and looked at a now abandoned program called MindBurn and could not find anything that quite worked for me. This script (below) is working so far, but I am hoping to be able to set a filter in the script that only shows rows with due dates greater than/equal to today.

Is it possible to set relative dates in filters rather than set dates selected through the gui? I haven’t been able to figure out how yet, but it seems like it should be possible

Current script:

Create columns named topic, quality, due, numreps, and EF

tell application "OmniOutliner"
	tell front document
		-- set topicText to ""
		repeat with MyRow in every row
			-- set cellValue to text of cell "topic" of MyRow
			-- set topicText to topicText & cellValue
			set baseEaseFactor to 1.3
			set i to value of cell "numreps" of MyRow -- number of repetitions thus far
			set q to value of cell "quality" of MyRow -- Get quality #
			-- Set existing easiness factor...
			if value of cell "EF" of MyRow contains "" then
				set value of cell "EF" of MyRow to baseEaseFactor as text
				set oldEF to baseEaseFactor
				set oldEF to value of cell "EF" of MyRow -- Get oldEF
			end if
			-- If there have been no reps:
			if i as integer is equal to 0 then
				set nextDue to do shell script "date -v+0d +%Y-%m-%d" as string
				set value of cell "due" of MyRow to nextDue as string
				set value of cell "numreps" of MyRow to "1" as string
				set value of cell "EF" of MyRow to baseEaseFactor as string
				-- If there have been 2 reps:
			else if i as integer is equal to 1 then
				set i to i + 1
				set value of cell "numreps" of MyRow to i as string
				set dueCellValue to do shell script "date -v+1d +%Y-%m-%d" as string
				set value of cell "due" of MyRow to dueCellValue as string
			else if i as integer is equal to 2 then
				set nextDue to do shell script "date -v+6d +%Y-%m-%d" as string
				set value of cell "due" of MyRow to nextDue as string
				set value of cell "numreps" of MyRow to "3" as string
				set value of cell "EF" of MyRow to baseEaseFactor as string
			else -- all other numbers
				set value of cell "numreps" of MyRow to i + 1 as string
				set newEF to oldEF - 0.8 + 0.28 * q - 0.02 * q * q
				if newEF is less than 1.3 then
					set newEF to 1.3
				end if
				if newEF is greater than or equal to 2.5 then
					set newEF to 2.5
				end if
				set value of cell "EF" of MyRow to newEF as string
				if q > 0 then
					set nextDue to (i * (i - 1) * newEF) as integer
					set dueCellValue to do shell script "date -v+" & nextDue & "d +%Y-%m-%d"
					set value of cell "due" of MyRow to dueCellValue as string
					set i to i + 1
					set value of cell "numreps" of MyRow to i as string
					set nextDue to do shell script "date -v+0d +%Y-%m-%d" as string
					set value of cell "due" of MyRow to nextDue as string
					set value of cell "numreps" of MyRow to "0" as string
				end if
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell