Suddenly I'm in Free Viewer Mode [contact for help]

Longtime Pro user, but after upgrading, my iPaf is in Free Viewer Mode, and it tells me it won’t save edits. How do I get back to Pro mode?

I’m very sorry for the trouble! Have you already tried going to the unlock screen and tapping Restore Purchases?

If that doesn’t work, please start the free trial (which will immediately unlock the app and give you access to Pro for two weeks) and contact so we can figure out why the app isn’t recognizing your purchase and can help you get the app unlocked again.

Again, I’m very sorry for the trouble! Our intent and design was that customers should automatically have the same capabilities unlocked after the switch to free downloads that they had before, but some customers have run into unexpected glitches that our sales team is having to correct by hand as people contact them.

I think this happened to me on my iPhone. I was a bit confused about what the right thing to do was, but guessed that clicking Restore Purchases shouldn’t break anything or cost any money—and it worked, straight back to the Standard version of OmniFocus, and no data loss! It wasn’t what I expected (and I knew about the update and change), but worked seamlessly.

I got things back going again when this happened to me. Unfortunately, I lost my carefully worked out set of favorite perspectives.

Is there any way of recovering them or do I have do set up everything by hand again?

I have the same problem… I hit restore purchase but nothing seemed to happen. I have activated the free trial for 14 days, but that will run out… What to do?

Anyone having problems with restoring purchases or the transition to the new free download version of the app should contact; unfortunately each case is different and it’s not practical to troubleshoot here, but our sales folks are pros and should be able to get you back up and running with plenty of time still left on the trial.

To clarify, is “Restore Purchases” required for every point release?

@aeryn - I’m getting that too.

Me too. At least it has happened more than once.

@aeryn @funkydan2 @Jan_H you definitely shouldn’t need to restore purchases after each update. Please contact so we can troubleshoot the situation and hopefully make future updates automatically recognize your existing Standard or Pro status.

Thanks for the clarification. I wanted to make sure it wasn’t expected behavior before firing off an exasperated email to customer service. ;-)