Syncing to multiple phones

I just got a new iPhone 6 for work. Now I have two, one for my personal use and one for work. Previously I kept my work tasks out of Omnifocus since we’re a Windows only shop, but with the larger screens I’m thinking I might try managing my worktasks only from the phone.

Has anyone run into any issues with accessing one sync database from two phones? In theory, there shouldn’t be any issue as long as I’m not trying to sync the two phones at the same time.

OF should have no issue syncing two iPhones to the same database. That’s what it’s designed for; two phones is the same as a computer and a phone, or an iPad and an iPhone, or…


If you use Reminders Capture, you’ll probably only want to enable it on one device.
And yes, you’ll want to avoid making edits to the same project’s items on both devices without syncing in between. But that situation shouldn’t be coming up very much at all with one human using two different phones.