Taskpaper format based repeat rule


I like the recent update of OmniFocus for iOS 2.1.4. And I try to use it for creating a repeated items by using IETF iCalendar rule.

By the way some texts below doesn’t properly work. Would you let me know what is wrong?

- task1 @repeat-method(fixed) @repeat-rule(FREQ=YEARLY;INTERVAL=2;BYMONTH=1;BYDAY=SU;BYHOUR=8,9;BYMINUTE=30)
- task2 @repeat-method(fixed) @repeat-rule(FREQ=MONTHLY;BYDAY=MO,WE)
- task3 @repeat-method(fixed) @repeat-rule(FREQ=MONTHLY;BYDAY=MO,WE,FR;BYSETPOS=-1)

Hello idreamer,

I believe the reason is that you are using repeat intervals that OmniFocus doesn’t understand. They appear to be too granular. If you go into the UI you will see some of the repeats aren’t possible in OmniFocus. To test what repeats will work, go into OmniFocus, and try to set up that repeat. You can’t set the repeat even close to that first line. Once you set Yearly, the day is no longer possible. Once you set Monthly the day is not possible.

Fortunately, you can use math based on an example like Ken explains here:

Automation and Dates — (For real, this time!) Dates used in automation can now combine absolute and relative date forms to get at a final result. For example, TaskPaper content can now say @due(2016-07-01 -3m) to indicate that something is due 3 months before 2016-07-01. (This makes it much easier to generate dates from a template project.)

Please use only the range of repeats that OmniFocus can understand, or use math to manipulate the repeats in Taskpaper to get the desired result. You can specify an exact date/time, a day of the week for every X week or weekly repeats, and # hours. Check out https://support.omnigroup.com/of2-repeat-weekdays/ which explains that you must use a weekly repeat to specify a date. I hope it helps to understand which repeat ranges are possible.
