Two AppleScripts related to managing dates for projects and their actions

All in all, OF2 does some nice things with managing dates, like “deferred with container.” However, I haven’t yet found an automatic way to keep project dates in line with their action dates. This is probably good, as there are situations where one wouldn’t want that. On the other hand, I usually enter defer and due dates are part of entering actions (sort of bottom up), rather than entering them in a project and then wanting them to trickle down onto actions.

This leaves situations where a project is marked as due before the due date of its latest action (either I’m unnecessarily panicked or something isn’t going to be done on time), a project is showing up as active even though all of its actions have defer dates after today (I shouldn’t be seeing it), etc. The first script below checks all selected projects to make sure they have due and deferred dates and that these are consistent with the dates of contained actions. The second script fixes the project’s due and deferred dates to the latest and earliest dates, respectively, of contained actions. That’s normally what I want.

There is no guarantee that these scripts won’t destroy your date, make your cat bald, etc., so you use them at your own risk. In particular, I don’t use sub-projects, so I have no idea how they will interact with task lists that do. Also, I have the Satimage scripting addition from and portions of this code rely on it. There are significant infelicities in this code, but since I wrote it for my own use, I haven’t taken the time to clean then up.

Check project dates.scpt
Checks all selected projects to make sure they have due and deferred dates and that these are consistent with the dates of contained actions.
Requires the Satimage osax <>
Glenn Hoetker,, 2014.

use OmniFocus : application "OmniFocus"
use TextEdit : application "TextEdit"
use scripting additions

set problemProjects to {}

set selectedProjects to value of selected trees of content of first document window of front document of OmniFocus

repeat with eachProject in selectedProjects
	if class of eachProject is project and singleton action holder of eachProject is false then
			set projectsDeferDate to defer date of eachProject
			set earliestDeferDate to defer date of (every task of eachProject whose completed is false)
			set earliestDeferDate to item 1 of (sortlist (dates of earliestDeferDate) with ascending)
			if projectsDeferDate is missing value then copy {projectName:name of eachProject, problem:"No defer date"} to end of problemProjects
			if projectsDeferDate > earliestDeferDate then copy {projectName:name of eachProject, problem:"Project deferred until after earliest action"} to end of problemProjects
			if projectsDeferDate > earliestDeferDate then copy "Project deferred until after earliest action" to end of item 2 of projectName of projectProblems
		end try
			set projectsDueDate to due date of eachProject
			set latestDueDate to due date of (every task of eachProject whose completed is false)
			set latestDueDate to item 1 of (sortlist (dates of latestDueDate) with ascending)
			if projectsDueDate is missing value then copy {projectName:name of eachProject, problem:"No due date"} to end of problemProjects
			if projectsDueDate < latestDueDate then copy {projectName:name of eachProject, problem:"Project due before latest action"} to end of problemProjects
		end try
	end if
end repeat

set resultText to ""

set oldProjectName to ""
repeat with theProject in problemProjects
	if theProject's projectName is not equal to oldProjectName then set resultText to resultText & theProject's projectName & return & return
	set resultText to resultText & tab & theProject's problem & return & return
	set oldProjectName to theProject's projectName
end repeat

tell TextEdit
	set theNewDoc to make new document
	set theNewDoc's text to resultText as text
	set theNewDoc's name to "Problem Projects"
end tell

-- display dialog resultText buttons {"Cancel"} default button 1 with title "Problem Projects"

The second script:

Fix project dates.scpt
For selected projects, sets the project's due and deferred dates to the latest and earliest dates, respectively, of contained actions.
Requires the Satimage osax <>
Glenn Hoetker,, 2014.

use OmniFocus : application "OmniFocus"
use scripting additions

set selectedProjects to value of selected trees of content of first document window of front document of OmniFocus

repeat with eachProject in selectedProjects
	if class of eachProject is project then
			set earliestDeferDate to defer date of (every task of eachProject whose completed is false)
			set earliestDeferDate to item 1 of (sortlist (dates of earliestDeferDate) with ascending)
			set defer date of eachProject to earliestDeferDate
		end try
			set latestDueDate to due date of (every task of eachProject whose completed is false)
			set latestDueDate to item 1 of (sortlist (dates of latestDueDate) without ascending)
			set due date of eachProject to latestDueDate
		end try
	end if
end repeat
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