What would you like to see in an OF Today List?

Actually I have a lot of constraints on the way I work and plan my time every day, so your assertion is way off.

Ok each to their own I am sure others will get bored very quickly if we continue the back and forth trying to prove a point and I do not have the need to have the last word, so that’s me done.

" I work and plan my time every day,"

And maybe that is all that we differ on. I want to plan more than one day at a time.

I don’t want a Today list that is automatically populated by date, but I can understand that some folks would. Maybe OG could make that optional.

I’d turn it off, and collect things for my Today list by hand, adn reorganize them as the day went on.

I second the suggestion to have similar functionality to the Today list in Things. I often reorganize my list during the day. I might start off organized by time, and then reorganize by project, or by the things I hate to do most.

Being able to drag tasks into new order and new folders/subheads is the most important part.

A way to separate off tasks that don’t need to be done until the evening, perhaps under and ‘evening’ header. Currently I defer these but I think a header could be more useful, I think Things uses something like this

I agree: I try to set things that must be done today some time to Due 10PM. And those that must be done this morning to Due 12PM. A divider of some sort would be nice.

I hate to say this but I’m wondering if a dummy task for 12:01 would work as a separator. Then at the end of the day I bump it to tomorrow.

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Not sure if this has been suggested but I noted that some folk would at least like to be able to mimic Things’ ability to freely move tasks around on a today style basis.
This is what I do almost every day.
Review forecast view and see what is achievable. Slide the task (iOS) and adorn with the customisable tag (whatever you choose to call it), and repeat for all forecast view tasks you consider possible for today.
Ensure you have the special tag view enabled and scroll to the bottom and all you’re tasks are there! You can slide them around in any order regardless of defer/due time as is possible in Things.
This gives full flexibility to get the order right depending on whatever external/personal constraints you have at the given time of day.
For better use of the screen, touch the collapse arrow on forecast view and watch it fold away!
Now you have a replica Things view.

I guess we would first need to agree to a definition of a Today List before we can agree on what improvements it would need.

In my view, the mandatory today actions should be in the agenda with a specific time block assigned to it, rather than in OF. You would transfer the tasks from OF to the agenda in the reviews and they would not be duplicated. Trying to eliminate the need for an agenda by manipulating tags and dates in OF looks to me way more complex and I see no advantage vs an agenda.

The desired today view for me is a collection of optional tasks I can do today, not a mandatory one. I get this with the OF built in forecast perspective well enough. Having folders and nested projects with all the actions in a today view doesn’t fit my concept of a today list. I have not used Things or other apps so probably I am missing your point.

As for having 3 dates for each task: When I want to see it, when I want to start it and when I need to finish it, I wouldn’t use it but have no problem with it.

I am one of the users who thinks OF is getting too complex by trying to be everything for everybody and runs the risk of loosing a clear user segment, so in principle I would rather like OF simplifying the workflows and UI of the already existing functionalities rather than adding more. Complexity can only be hidden up to a point and in my view it makes simple workflows less attainable.

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