Your Top 3 New Features for OmniFocus Mac

Can you put a “Save Window As” back in the perspective menu so I can save back over an already saved perspective. There are two scenario that often come up in OmniFocus 2 where I want this.

  1. I am focused on a perspective and then make new selections to the currently open perspective and when I click the “View Options” (eye icon) it is changed enough that the save is now greyed out.

  2. I set up a new better perspective for it from scratch and want to override another one without going through the whole rename and to make sure I don’t have duplicates of the same thing saving as over the top of an existing one like you could do in OmniFocus 1 was so handy.

  3. For a third, just because multiple ways to accomplish something is helpful to people not having to search for things or writing scripts to click things in menus

Hopefully this will be added back along with the many other missing things I long for from OmniFocus 1 like:

  1.  column header names
  2.  resorting by heading names by clicking on the header like you would do in most applications including the Finder
  3.  Several missing ways to enter dates with shorthand that went missing (I would love to see even more added that weren’t there before if possible)

Several less important things to me missing:

  1.  Setting up back-up intervals and custom location
  2.  Clearer options we had with the “Style” tab in preference (though we have so many more options now it just takes a lot of effort to find what you are looking for so I am mostly good there)
  3.  The many view options we had in the “View” menu

1 & 2 from the second list are the two biggest things that frustrate me using OmniFocus 2 though. All other differences I can deal with for some of the new options in OmniFocus 2 mainly being speed in which things process and the better syncing.

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Being able to use time as a filter in custom perspectives.
Y’know, things like “defer date within 7 days,” or “defer date is not before Today.”

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More printing options. e.g. to print out nicer agenda’s for the “Meeting” context.
More flexibility in creating custom perspectives. e.g. Only items that don’t have a date / only items due in the next 2 weeks (when Due Soon is 2 days)
More export options. E.g. to Word / Pages / Omnioutliner.


Only just joined these forums, but this is probably my major request too. That screen is way too cluttered. The way ‘Things 3’ displays calendars and tasks in its ‘today’ view is much better, something like that would be great! To note, I’m not a fan of ‘Things’.
Also, I’d love it if…

And - ‘show all notes’ on iOS