Approaches to separating work and personal and using Windows

I’m looking for inspiration on how I can separate work from personal tasks. I don’t want my personal tasks showing on my work devices.

Previously I’ve tried using calDAV sync for just my work tasks and that worked fine when I had a Mac for work. Now I have to use Windows. I was wondering about using the OF web companion but I don’t think that will sync via calDAV. I don’t particularly like the idea of migrating personal tasks to calDAV though that would let me use the web companion app on my windows laptop for work tasks.

Any ideas? I’m open to app suggestions for Windows too.



I recognise the problem. I have found a way to use OmniFocus for my “management system” (Work & Private). For my work I use MS Teams → MS Planners → Kanban board to 1) have collaboration and 2) use the power of OmniFocus. Work tasks (in OF) are synchronised via Reminders → Outlook Tasks → MS Planner. This is for me a way to not have private task in Office 365 environment but still have one enabling and trusted system.

I have described the setup here. It is a bit nerdy!!