Customization of appearance possibilities

Seeing as how so many of the Omni apps (including OF1) offer the ability to customize the theme, I am curious as to if this could be a possibility with OF2?

In addition to being able to customize theme colors and fonts (a feature I use in OF1 to make the appearance less distracting), I was curious if any theming in OF2 could also allow:

  • Scaling up and down the size of the “check circles” (I would like to improve the “data density” (to borrow someone else’s phrase) and place more items on the screen.
  • Allow me to move the check off to the left hand side instead of right? Something about the check off being on the right hand side messes around with my expectations.

In Forecast view, what about an option to place Calendar Events (for a selected date) under the calendar? Seems like an awful lot of wasted space there, and moving the events there would allow me to see more items in my to do list.


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