Move to a different solution if interface concerns aren't addressed?

Point 1:

I do not want to debate on your point one as I said that it appears, in my opinion, to be the case. You say otherwise and I am wrong, ok. Can I ask where you jump from before starting to use OmniFocus? This could be informative.

Point 2:

I am sure you would agree different users have different opinions on what is a “good” alternative for their particular workflows. Your opinion is that OF2 is the best for your particular scenario even though you have stated reservations if concerns are not addressed and have planned continued use of OF1 upon such happenings. This is why I asked the original question and begin my development of a contingency plan to find an alternative in case concerns I or maybe other users have are in fact not addressed. Further down you thank me for mentioning Things 3. Such communication of information is what I had hoped this question would deliver for everyone, not a debate over the reasons someone considers a solution better than another.