When will OmniFocus 2 for Mac ship?

At the Omni Group, looks like June is coming early this year! Here’s the OmniFocus Forecast for Thursday, May 22:


This is great news. Wonderful new version. Ready to upgrade on the 22nd!

I moved a post to a new topic: Upgrade discounts for OmniFocus 2?

I’m super psyched for the release! I will be buying it immediately. :)

I moved 4 posts to a new topic: Test builds about to expire?

Congratulations on the move to the new forum and the impending release of OmniFocus 2. Have been running the test builds and looking forward to purchasing the released product.

I just realized that the task in the screenshot shows the task is due at 9am. Hopefully that means that we’ll see it at, or around noon EST!

Congratulations to Omni Group for getting this product out the door. It’s a big step forward, even if many of the power users are continuing to clamor for more features, as we always will. You also have to love the fact that the CEO is doing coding.


It’s happening. The OF2 page is up and the shop is down for maintenance!! Yay!

OmniFocus 2 has shipped!