An unofficial web client to Omnifocus is now available

Introducing RazorGTD - An OmniFocus client for your web browser

Now you can use OmniFocus on Windows, Linux and Chromebooks

RazorGTD is a web application that lets you view your OmniFocus tasks inside any web browser
Presently, RazorGTD only lets you view your tasks from your Omni Sync Server account
More features will be available soon

Go ahead and try it out yourself

Disclaimer: RazorGTD is not a Omni Group product, 24 x 7 support is available at

So upon clicking I’m taking to a form saying “give us your login credentials for OmniSync and it’s $13/month”. No other info, no demo, no explanation of what I’m getting, no chance to try it, etc.

Also, the idea that I’d type in my sync credentials on that form is…well, let’s see: Let’s Encrypt freebie cert and whois for is private. You could be anyone. Not even a Twitter account.

Not trying to be mean but I think you put some work into marketing and web presence before you go looking for signups.

Also, if I’m paying for a monthly subscription service, I expect to be able to open tickets or call someone. Really, support from a Gmail account? Not even ? If you can’t afford your own email system or ticketing system, I don’t have faith you’re going to be around.

On another note, $13/mo is way, way too steep. Look at your comparable competitors - e.g. full-featured Toodledo is web-based (and offers iOS/android clients) and is free, or $15/year (not month!) for advanced features.

I’d expect to pay a little more for OmniSync but not > $150/year, every year.


Thank you for the honesty raindog308, demo is available if you click on ‘Try it now’ button

There is no “try it now”.

“Try it out yourself” above links to

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On the signup page, there is a ‘Try it out’ button in green color

Please note that Lets Encrypt certificate is legitimate, production ready and used by the likes of Wordpress.
It being free doesn’t mean it is insecure or inferior to a paid certificate in any way

I’m going to close out this thread, not because we have a problem with this site’s existence, but because we want to avoid the appearance of Omni providing any kind of support for it, or a forum for its own support. Thanks for your understanding.

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