Any advice on how to get this perspective working how I'd like?

I’m trying to implement Brian Moran’s 12 Week Year in OmniFocus. I have a 12WY tag with sub-tags for each week. I’d like to be able to click on the Week 1, Week 2, etc. tag in this perspective to see the tasks assigned to the corresponding week.

The perspective currently looks like this, very simple:

As you can see, it shows my tasks formatted nicely.

The trouble is that when I click on the “Week 1”, etc. tags, it doesn’t show any of the tasks. Here, I’ve selected Week 1:

Any advice?

I did some tests but failed. Would even go so far to say there’s a bug. I just cannot explain the behavior.

I think the problem is that your Perspective only filters on the 12WY tag, which none of the subtasks have. Add your Week 1-6 tags to the Perspective’s tags filter to see if that give you what you want.

I tried adding the week tag and it’s not changing anything.

I‘m quite sure it has something to do with the Preserve Hierarchy, but cannot explain it due to lack of knowledge of the underlying implementation.

The best I can come up with is this…

Sorry, it looks like this is a bug in the new Preserve Hierarchy perspective setting in v4. It ought to work the way you’re expecting.

We’ll look into it.

@Logan @orca

thank you guys for helping to troubleshoot.

@kcase ok good to know i’m not crazy! thanks for hopping on it.